
I have found most of my progress and achievments as an engineer comes from the projects that I seek out on my own. My understanding of data science, machine learning, web/app development stems from me self-learning these fields through engaging in challenging and exciting projects. 

Detecting Political Bias in Literature Review

(Oct 2022 - Now)
Conducting reserach to help develop a tool to detect political prejudice based on a user's literature review. Developed using several Python-based libraries and using Amazon's MTurk Services.

This project is undertaken under the mentorship and support of Professor Minsu Park of New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD).


(Dec 2022 - Now)
Self-developed social media application that allows users to make a portfolio of the various nooks and crannies of a city that they've enjoyed visiting. Users can then keep an active journal of their most memorable places and visits.

Developed using several technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REACT, Django (Python Framework)

Examining Digital Communities and Networks

(Oct 2022 - Dec 2022)
Investigated how Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter signalled a distinctive power shift and evaluated the effects of this on the nature of social communities that digitally formed around him.

Conducted using several technologies Python libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, TwitterAPI, Tweepy, NetworkX)